
Leah Storrs-Fisher

I’m a fine artist & printmaker based in Columbus, OH. My work is primarily architectural, landscape or florals and spans across mediums from printing and painting to embroidery and textiles.

First Week

Wow...what a week.  

To start off here's a little background...a few months ago I made one of the most insane, terrifying, exciting and most amazing decision of my life so far.  I decided to leave my first full-time out of college job to start a business of my own.  At the end of 2015 I left that job to start the most exciting job of work for myself and work as a full time freelance artist and designer. I did, after all, go to school to be just that in the first place!  I'm not one to make decisions that don't have a lot of security attached to them so this is a huge step for me and I honestly couldn't be happier that I have decided to do it. 

So far this week I have felt unsure, scared, brave, sad, overjoyed and 100% confident.  Talk about a whirlwind.  The most interesting part of the week was my first day...I cut open my finger with an Xacto...oyyy.  Let's just say it has all gone up hill from there.  I have had multiple meetings, learned new strengths, received endless support, and even a couple new commissions.  I cant wait for this new year and new adventure to unfold.  Wish me luck!  


Building Frames

Relief Printing