Holy shit I started a website today! I never thought I'd do it but well....Graham made me do it. I knew that I was going to have to get one but honestly the computer is not my thing and thank goodness I have a boyfriend that knows what he's doing when it comes to these kinds of things. The plus side about today, Thursday, is that it is my day off of work so I figured that I should try to get my work on here, or at least just get started. I usually try to work in the studio on Thursday but today was cold and rainy and sitting on the couch with a warm computer sounded a little better to me.
Still working to get everything photographed but that will be up in the next few weeks, hopefully sooner. I have a lovely friend who is a great photographer and I am hoping that I can bribe her with booze so she will help me! There is always hope!
Hopefully will be updating again soon!